選択した画像 aristocracy in ancient greece 600849-Conflict between aristocracy and peasantry in ancient greece
The term 'aristocracy' derives from the Greek and means literally kratos ('rule') of the aristoi ('the best') However, our ideas of what constitutes an aristocracy – images of feudal kings and their lords – are not wholly compatible with what aristocracies in the ancient world were actually like Aristotle, in his Politics, discussed four main types of government or 'constitutions' (monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy, and democracy), and considers aristocracy largely aWhat is Aristocracy Aristocracy is derived from the Latin terms aristokratía meaning the rule of the best As its etymology suggests, the concept of aristocracy first appeared in ancient Greece, and it referred to the rule by the bestqualified citizensAristocracy as was used in ancient Greece worked as a sort of parliamentary democracy in which as small group of powerful and smart individuals fromed a senate to rule on matter o the state What Is Aristocracy Aristocracy Conflict between aristoc...